Monday, October 24, 2005

Allison made the varsity basketball team! Yea! We spent the entire weekend not knowing so it was a bit nerve wracking. A very cruel form of torture, I think, to make everyone wait through the weekend to find out.

Sunday, October 23, Patrick James Callanta was baptised at the beautiful, historic, and unairconditioned Manila Cathedral in Intramuras (historic downtown Manila.) Patrick's dad, Efren, works with Katie and Terry at Info Tech and Terry was honored to be named as one of 5 godfathers. I think that means we get to help pay for his education, glad there are four others! A wonderful air conditioned reception followed the ceremony.

Allison and Katie in Pedicabs

After the Baptism we went to the US Embassy's Bazaar at the World Trade Center. Lots of great shopping! We all needed a massage after our "rough" weekend so we went to the Spa then out to eat at Cena which is quickly becoming a favorite steak and seafood restaurant.

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