Wednesday, June 27, 2007

July 23-26, 2007 We Really Love New York City!

Saturday, July 23

We took Sean and Kristine to NYC to celebrate their 21st birthdays (a bit belatedly).
Greenwich Village was our first destination where we took part in a very cool interactive theater experience called "Accomplice the Village" The "play" takes place on the streets and the actors were scattered throughout the village. They pulled us into a collective mystery which we were to help solve. Clues were given that sent us throughout the streets, into pubs and restaurants, and through Washington Park. It was a great way to explore the streets of the west village and see things we surely wouldn't have seen on a regular day! Love it!

We stopped here for their famous guacamole made fresh right at our table. Yummo!
After lunch we purchased our subway tickets and headed uptown to change clothes (in the Marriott Marquis restrooms) and go to see Spamalot! It was hilarious! We didn't stop laughing for 2 hours.

Sean and the boys
After the play we went to meet Michelle and Amalia (Michelle's College roommate from Arizona State) who had just seen Shakespeare in the Park's, Romeo and Juliet. Carl, Sean and Kristine's friend from high school, is working there so he met us all for a late dinner .
We headed back to Penn Station to catch the last train to Jersey. See Michelle and Amalia waiting for their train to the upper west side.

Sunday, July 24 Gay and Lesbian Pride Parade

This parade started uptown on 5th Avenue and continued for most of the day down 5th Ave. through Greenwich Village. Sean and Kristine went to the top of the Empire State Building and couldn't see the beginning or the end of the parade.

Very Interesting Stuff............
After the Parade we tried to go to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, but we were too late, it closes at 5 on Sunday. We walked through Central Park and visited the memorial to John Lennon, before walking all the way to the Hudson River and dinner at the Marina.
After dinner, Terry and I took the train back to New Jersey, while Sean and Kristine met up with Carl to see more of the city and stay overnight with him in the Astoria area of Brooklyn.

Monday, July 25

We arrived in the city in time for a late breakfast before meeting up with the kids in the Museum district. Terry and I decided to head downtown to visit ground zero while the kids spent their day in the Museum of Modern Art.

Much work has been done here since my last visit with Maggie two years ago.

We headed back to meet up with our wonderful hosts, Nancy and John Darby, Terry's close friends from college at Wheeling, WV. John was our Best Man at our wedding. We had a delicious Italian meal together and enjoyed resting and visiting on the final evening of our whirlwind trip.

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