Thursday, May 31, 2007

May 23

Back to the Philippines "for awhile."

On our way through Japan, I was able to get these pictures of
Mount Fugi as we were flying into the Nagoya airport.

This a very busy jeepney loading area. The idea of queuing up is very new to Filipinos and Asians in general. Usually you just see running and pushing and the one who gets there first, elbowing and all, is the winner. This goes for movie lines, restrooms, restaurants, and usually buses, jeepneys, taxis and the train. I noticed several areas this trip where queuing up and taking your turn is starting to catch on here. Thank goodness! It is much more civilized!

Mugging for the Camera

I was able to visit Concordia Orphanage with Thursdays
for Others. They have moved locations and have only
eighteen children right now. Ginny and Candy donated
cleft palate nipples to the children here and all of those
babies have been adopted!
JJ with me at Concordia. About 15 months ago JJ was able to
receive cataract surgery and hearing aides thanks to the diligent
work of Gillian Dugas. He is three years old now and loves listening
to and moving to the music on the cell phone. So great to hear
that an American family is interested in adopting him!

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