Thursday, September 08, 2005

Hoy Friends!

We are well into our 2nd month now and I can't believe how busy we are. I have
a new friend who lives across the street and we have been attending some
meetings and volunteer activities together. It is so nice to have someone to
do things with. Her name is Michelle Marshall, she has three children who are
in 3rd,5th, and 6th grades. So she is a little younger, but doesn't seem to
mind. I am doing just fine keeping up with her! Her husband went to High School
in Kansas 30 miles from where I grew up and he knows my Dad's best friend from
his college days. What a small world!

We have attended two garden/plant shows. The flowers and native plants are
just beautiful here. The first show was an orchid festival- I will post
pictures as soon as I can figure out how to do that. The second was a little
neighborhood garden club show, which featured individuals who had propagated
different plants and they loved to talk about them like they were children. I
am constantly amazed at the friendliness and genuine interest Philippino people
have in others.

On Monday I will begin my formal education here by taking a college level class
on the history of the Philippines. It will include tours to places around the
city that are historically significant. I am looking forward to learning
everything I can.

I don't know if I mentioned this because I am not typically a "Name Dropper"
but.... Imelda Marcos lives in our building. I have known that since we moved
here, but didn't really think much of it. I guess 15 years ago this was brand
new and the best place to live. Well, yesterday as I was leaving the building,
Michelle comes running in the front door saying "there she is, did you see
her?" Sure enough, I looked up and there she was walking out with her body
guards and attendants. She looks exactly the same as I remember her in pictures
20 years ago. I couldn't see her shoes.......but we ARE going to visit the
shoe museum here which features 500 plus pairs of her shoes.

Have I mentioned that there are a lot of people here? I have been trying to
wrap my mind around the numbers for over a month now. There are 86 million
people who live in the Philippine Islands. There are over 7000 islands, many
of which disappear during high tides. These are volcanic islands so much of
the land uninhabitable, so there are just massive numbers of people living in
the green areas of the physical map. More than 60% of the natives live on less
than $2.00 a day which is what they consider the poverty level in SE Asia.
This country is 80% plus Catholc and therefore birth control is not practiced.
I have been to see some of the really impoverished areas and it is truly
heartbreaking. Disease is a huge problem, much like what was left from
Hurricane Katrina, but this is just their everyday life. In some areas of
metro Manila, entire neighborhoods of thousands of people are suffering from
Tuberculosis. We visited St. Lazerus Hospital yesterday to see the center that
takes care of the children whose parents are dying in the hospital. They
arrange for adoptions once the children are orphaned. The first thing I
noticed was a lack of books. They had a few children's books but not enough.
They care for children up to 15-16 years of age so I am now on a mission to
collect books. I know many of you have great books that you just don't know
what to do with..... Well if you are interested in helping bring some of those
back after Christmas, I plan to donate most of my luggage pounds to bring them
back. Gay and Nancy- Have you been discarding any books lately?

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